A Recipe For The Heart – 美味天王

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January 8, 2020
A Recipe For The Heart - 美味天王 - Episode 01
Of Greeds And Ants - 黃金有罪

Description: Kam Yat-san (Bobby Au-yeung) is in a heated cooking competition with master chef Chun Man-sek (Paul Chun). Right before the competition is judged Yat-san accidentally sneezes peppers on to Man-sek dish. When the judges comments that Man-sek dish tastes weird because it has an overpowering pepper taste and announces Yat-san the winner, Yat-san realizes the contest was not judged fairly because of his sneezed the pepper to Man-sek’s dish. Man-sek goes insane after losing the competition, disappears and is never heard of again. Three years later Yat-san arrives under the alias Tin Mei-gut at Man-sek’s restaurant “Delicious Garden” to atone for his guilt of what happened. Man-sek’s restaurant is currently run by his daughter Chun So-so (Esther Kwan), who is also the current head chef. it is failing restaurant because So-so is a terrible cook. Yat-san now as Mei-gut offers to buy 51% stake of the restaurant and teach So-so how to cook. So-so and her mother Tong Yuen-yuen (Lydia Shum) thinks Mei-gut has ulterior motives but takes his offer anyway since it such a good deal for them.

美味園餐廳老闆石(秦沛)參加廚神比賽敗給好友山(歐陽震華)後,銷聲匿跡。妻湯圓圓(沈殿霞)及女兒蘇蘇(關詠荷),唯有勉力支撐美味園,惜蘇蘇廚藝未成氣候,令生意一落千丈,圓無奈出售股份,而接手的竟是化名吉的山!吉對蘇的烹調技術嚴格苛刻,欲激發她的廚藝天份,但蘇卻心有不甘,二人頓成鬥氣冤家。時自稱是吉妻的爽爽(宣萱)突至,與蘇及吉展開一段複雜的三角關係… 另一方面,皇室玫瑰的大廚高(古天樂)多年來不斷搜尋廚神蹤影,更惹來記者津津(張可頤)誤會他是廚神,時刻跟蹤。後高與津終因了解而墮入愛河。 時圓無意中重遇石,卻發現石已失憶。究竟吉能否助石回復記憶?高又能否超越吉而奪得廚神之位?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 29 Episodes
Release Date: 10 November 1997
Cast: Bobby Au-yeung, Lydia Shum, Esther Kwan, Paul Chun, Louis Koo, Maggie Cheung Ho-Yee, Jessica Hsuan, Cheung Tat-ming

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