A Pillow Case of Mystery – 施公奇案

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January 13, 2019
Burning Hands - 乘勝狙擊
Net Deception - 追魂交易

Description: With the helping hand of a Dream-pillow, the long arm of the law is possible! SZE SAI LUN (Au Yeung Chun Wah, Bobby), the magistrate of Jiangdu County once makes a mistake, making an innocent person taking its own life by hanging. Since then, LUN loses his faith in himself and his will is down. Later by chance, LUN obtains a Dream-pillow. Whenever he comes across any difficult cases, the Pillow-spirit (Lo Hoi Pang) will appear in his dream and present him the puzzle that holds the key to crack the case. With the help of Pillow-spirit, LUN successfully cracks a case, arrests the real culprit and saves the lovable enemy, MAI HEUNG YUNG (Kwok Ho Ying, Kenix), who changes her hostile attitude afterwards. The coincidence is that YUNG once and again involves in strange cases that are judged by LUN, and is even imprisoned because of him. LUN subsequently discovers the true identity of Pillow-spirit and the real cause of his assistance: the Pillow-spirit was wrongly accused many years ago; therefore he wants to train the reasoning power of LUN, hoping that LUN can help reverse the previous judgment on him. The judgment relates to the calamity of exterminating a whole family, which unexpectedly involves YUNG!

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Bobby Au-yeung, Kenix Kwok, Benny Chan, Tavia Yeung, Annie Man

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