A Fistful Of Stances – 鐵馬尋橋

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May 26, 2018
When Rules Turn Loose - 識法代言人
When Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West - 東山飄雨西關晴

VC_A Fistful Of Stances

Description: Au-Yeung Wai-Lan (Yuen Qiu), owner of a martial arts training school, is reunited with her long-lost son Ku Yu Cheung (Kevin Cheng) after years of agonizing separation. On his return home, Yu-Cheung is shocked to find that his younger brother Koo Yu-Tong (Kenneth Ma) has been critically ill and that his father was murdered long ago by Wing Tak (Dominic Lam), the existing director of a pharmaceutical company and a bitter old foe of the Koos.

Pinning all the family hope on Yu-Cheung, he later learns a special set of kung fu skills, and register for the Seven States Martial Arts Championship Tournament. Out of the blue, Yu-Cheung’s opponent in the final turns out to be Wing Man-Kwan (Jacky Heung).

After the tournament, Yu-Cheung and his family found evidence to prove to everyone that Wing Tak is guilty. Wing Tak began to use cruel ways again to save himself.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 2010
Cast: Kevin Cheng, Tavia Yeung, Kenneth Ma, Yuen Qiu, Shirley Yeung, Selena Li, Natalie Tong, Nancy Wu, Kara Hui, Jacky Heung, Dominic Lam, Chung King-fai

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