A Change of Heart – 好心作怪

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April 17, 2015
The Greed of Man - 大時代
Sexpedia - 大眾情性

a-change-of-heart-posterDescription: FONG CHI-LIK (Michael Miu), a formidable businessman, is a ruthless and voracious seeker of wealth, unfortunately, he suffers from coronary heart disease, causing his life to be in imminent danger.

Only through a heart transplant operation can he be pulled through his illness.  Unexpectedly, his attending doctor YIU YAT-SHAN (Bosco Wong) suddenly dies in an accident, and his heart happens to be suitable as a donor organ for CHI-LIK.  Having undergone the heart surgery, CHI-LIK displays an entirely different temperament, becoming an easy-going and optimistic person, who resembles the late YAT-SHAN.  Such change startles YAT-SHAN’s fiancée YUEN SHIU-GAT (Niki Chow) and CHI-LIK’s wife TONG SIN-HANG (Joey Meng) very much, entailing a subtle change in the relationship between the three.

YAT-SHAN’s twin brother YIU YUET-SHAN (Bosco Wong) returns to Hong Kong for the funeral, where he gets to know everyone, on top of which he has gradually fallen in love with SHIU-GAT.   In order to repay the favor with gratitude, CHI-LIK provides guidance and support to YUET-SHAN, recommending him to work in his affiliated club house.   Apart from having a meteoric rise to find favor with CHI-LIK, YUET-SHAN also has a relationship with HA SZE-KA (Mandy Wong), a public affairs specialist of the club house.   As YUET-SHAN respects CHI-LIK so much that he even regards the latter as his own family member, he discovers that his brother’s death was not an accident.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 03 June 2013
Cast: Michael Miu, Joey Meng, Bosco Wong, Niki Chow, Vincent Wong, Sammy Shum, Mandy Wong, Benjamin Yuen,JJ Jia, Elaine Yiu, Jack Wu, Benz Hui
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy

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