TVB Anniversary 2016 – 萬千星輝賀台慶2016

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November 19, 2016
JSG Selections 2016 Part 2 - 2016勁歌金曲優秀選第二回
hmv LIVE x Lil' Ashes A Little Louder Show - hmv LIVE x 小塵埃 - A Little Louder演唱會

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Description: 負責管理巴拿馬運河航運的藤原祐介,無緣陪伴兒女成長。小姊弟一花、吾丸為見爸爸一面展開萬里長征,除了為爸爸煮出「家」的味道,吾丸還希望爸爸能教他騎單車,心願能否達成?嘉賓林子博何以慨嘆子女和睦並非必然?
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2016.11.19

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