99.9 Criminal Lawyer (Cantonese) – 0.1無罪真相

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October 30, 2016
99.9 Criminal Lawyer (Cantonese) - 0.1無罪真相 - Episode 01
One Piece (Cantonese) - 海賊王


Description: Hiroto Miyama (Jun Matsumoto) is a poor lawyer who takes on criminal cases, but unable to make money. He pursues the truth for the 0.1% out of Japan’s 99.9% conviction rate. One day, Hiroto is scouted by Haruhiko Madarame (Ittoku Kishibe). Haruhiko Madarame is the head of Madarame Law Firm which is one of the biggest law firms among the 4 big law firms. Hiroto Miyama begins to work with Atsuhiro Sada (Teruyuki Kagawa). Atsuhiro Sada is a lawyer specializing in civil cases and makes lots of money for the law firm. He doesn’t have any interest in criminal cases which can not make money.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Japan

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