Refresh Man (Cantonese) – 後菜鳥的燦爛時代

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October 11, 2016
Refresh Man (Cantonese) - 後菜鳥的燦爛時代 - Episode 01
Bromance (Cantonese) - 愛上哥們


Description: A “Refresh Man” is an employee who has no passion for their job. They don’t care about their underachieving reputation, as long as they get paid for showing up to work they are fine. They report to work on time only to do personal stuff during working hours and count down to the end of the work day to leave on time.

In high school Zhong Yu Tang (Joanne Tseng) was the overachiever with a bright future ahead of her while Ji Wen Kai (Aaron Yan) was the underachiever with the worst grades out of the entire class. Ten years later the tables have turned when Wen Kai becomes the new CEO of the cosmetic company Yu Tang works for. Yu Tang becomes Wen Kai personal secretary but on her first full day working for him she realizes she is not up to par being an executive secretary when she fails miserably at every given task. Wen Kai has to call in his longtime assistant Miao Ai Sha (Lene Lai) to help him translate during a business meeting with a foreign account, and because Ai Sha is the only one that can communicate with the foreign account person and read the foreign documents, she gets hired at the cosmetic company.

Due to a misunderstanding and feeling left out by Wen Kai and Ai Sha, Yu Tang asks to resign. However she is forced to stay as an employee with the company for three years due to a contract she signed in order to study overseas the previous year. Seeing that Yu Tang has no passion for her position as his personal secretary, Wen Kai transfer her to the worst performing department in the company, which is sales team 3. The rumors of sales team 3 are so bad that it is said anyone that goes to that department never rises up again. Their work quarters are located in an un-maintained area of the building basement. Whenever they hear footsteps nearby, the entire team pretends to work hard but then goes back to their natural state of doing their own personal matters during working hours.

Yu Tang thinks this is Wen Kai’s revenge for her treating him harshly during high school, but the reason Wen Kai transferred her to sales team 3 is because he wants her to make sales team 3 a productive department. Also because Yu Tang’s life has always been smooth-sailing, he wants to make her stronger through different obstacles he gives her as he secretly likes her. When sales team 3 loses a longtime key account that keeps their department afloat, Wen Kai gives them a new account to handle and transfer Chen You Rui (JR) from another sales team to team 3. Yu Tang’s work life just went from bad to worst because You Rui is a constant flirt who is known to flirt with anyone that is female and he has a history of flirting with Yu Tang.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Taiwan
Director: Fu-Hsiang Hsu
Cast: Aaron Yan , Joanne Tseng , Lene Lai , Jack Lee

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