Cheese in the Trap (Cantonese) – 奶酪陷阱

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October 3, 2016
Cheese in the Trap (Cantonese) - 奶酪陷阱 - Episode 01
Woman with a Suitcase - 캐리어를 끄는 여자


Description: Based on the original webtoon with the same title by “Soon Ggi” which was published via “Naver Online” from 2010-July-07.

This drama depicts the relationship between female university student Hong Seol (Kim Go Eun) and her senior Yoo Jung (Park Hae Jin).Hong Seol is a hard-working student, who has returned to college after along break. She works part-time due to her family’s poor background. Meanwhile, Yoo Jung is a senior at the college known as Mr. Perfect. He is good looking, gets good grades, athletic and has a kind personality, but he has a dark side…


Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Release Date: (2016)
Director: Lee Yoon Jung
Cast: Park Hae Jin, Kim Go Eun, Seo Kang Joon

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