No Reserve – 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天

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January 12, 2019
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no-reserveDescription: 三十年代末日軍侵華,一批清朝皇帝遺留的四十噸黃金,引來各方各國覬覦!這場「黃金之爭」,中國寄望在一對巾幗梟雄身上:游擊隊隊長江尚紅和以名伶掩飾間諜身份的張寄生。在動盪的廣州,展開一場有愛有恨的間諜戰
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 01 October 2016
Cast: Wayne Lai, Myolie Wu, Edwin Siu, Sire Ma, Susan Tse,Lau Kong

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