IMAT: Crime Scene Medics 2 (Cantonese) – IMAT 非常救援隊 2
Description: It’s now one and a half years since Akira and Takuma met for the first time. Akira now works at a medical university hospital and Takuma works in the security department due to his failure to follow orders. Takuma is ordered to work security detail for a politician named Eikichi. 26 years ago, Eikichi was the chief of the crime department responsible for the investigation into the Tokyo Sky Land explosion. The Tokyo Sky Land explosion caused the deaths of Akira and Takuma’s fathers. Akira currently has a 16-year-old patient named Aki, who he cares for especially. Aki is waiting for a heart transplant. She was saved by Akira when he worked for IMAT. A donor for Aki’s heart transplant is found and her doctor Ayaka and Aki are hopeful. On the day of Aki’s heart transplant Akira and Yukari participate in the heart transplant surgery as assistants. When the donor’s heart is taken out of the container … IMAT(Incident Medical Assistance Team) 是24小時待命事件現場醫療派遣隊,由日本醫科大學附屬醫院的醫生們組成,他們經常要往歹徒持有武器,以及有人質的案發現場工作,而日向晶(玉木宏飾)是IMAT成員之一。日向因為昔日一次IMAT出動,拯救了一名有心臟病的少女,而這名女孩經過一年多的等待,終於找到合適的心臟進行移植。豈料進行手術當天,捐贈者的心臟在手術室內突然發生爆炸。 另一方面,警視廳的影浦琢磨(田中圭飾)奉命保護政治家福澤榮吉,原來此人曾是刑事課長,而且更是東京Sky Land爆炸案的負責人。福澤為了視察巴士情況,於是在中午時分,乘坐巴士體察民情。就在此時巴士內發生了異樣,影浦被人用槍指頭,巴士遭神秘武裝集團騎劫。原來心臟手術與巴士被騎劫有著千絲萬縷的關連,日向如何在巴士上拯救病危的人?影浦又如何抽絲剝繭發現真相?
Language: Cantonese
Country: Japan
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