Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love – 十萬噸情緣

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May 19, 2021
Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love - 十萬噸情緣 - Episode 01
Sinister Beings - 逆天奇案


Description: After being dumped by her fiancee, Yama (Maggie Cheung Ho-yee) meets Cruise Director Jason (Nick Cheung), who consoles her. The two fall in love and get married immediately, however when her ex-fiancee wants her back, Jason and Yama have a misunderstanding that causes them to divorce immediately. After divorcing Jason, Yama seeks the advice of a fortune teller who tells her she is going through a bad luck spell. Three years later Yama works at the Goddess Travil agency. After tending to a difficult client she receives a fax that she has won a trip on the company’s cruise ship. She takes her flirtatious best-friend Pauline (Angela Tong), as her guest. Jason also works on the same cruise ship Yama has just boarded with his roommate/underling Christine (Joyce Tang). He also brings along his other roommate NG (Ram Chiang), who is a romance novelist that writes under a pen-name.

Once Yama and Jason run into each other, havoc happens. NG and Christine gets Pauline drunk to try to get her to divulge information about Yama, while Jason tries to embarrass Yama who is having dinner with the difficult client she previously tended to at the traveling agency. Furious of their actions, Yama lies that she is the Head Of Goddess Travil LA office and that she will have them all fired. Fearful of losing his job, Jason agrees to all of Yama’s rigorous punishments, but she goes to far in making Jason suffer and he rebels against her punishments. Yama’s difficult client hears them arguing and checks on them. Jason who thinks the client is romantically interested in Yama’s exposes all of her bad habits to him, which makes Yama threaten Jason again with her lie of being the head of the travel agency’s LA office. The difficult client is furious with Yama’s lie and exposes his true identity as the real head of the travel agency’s LA office.

Yama finds out that she didn’t really win a free trip, the difficult client was never romantically interested in her and the fake trip was really an evaluation test as the real head of the travel agency’s LA office saw potential in her because of the way she handled him at the traveling agency office. Seeing how Yama and Jason don’t get along, the head of the main office pits them together to work on the cruise next advertising theme. The two continue to make life difficult for each other. Later Yama finds out that she is able to sue Jason for alimony support which causes him to hire Lau Wah (Stephen Au), to pretend to be interested in Yama and marry her so he can get out of paying alimony to her. Jason later finds out that Lau Wah has ulterior motives for Yama and tries to warn her, but she doesn’t believe him thinking he is trying to ruin her new found love.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2003
Cast: Maggie Cheung Ho-yee, Nick Cheung, Joyce Tang, Ram Chiang, Angela Tong, Stephen Au

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