Wars of In-Laws – 我的野蠻奶奶

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January 20, 2018
Love Exchange - 疑情別戀
The Prince's Shadow - 御用閒人


Description: Tin Lik (Myolie Wu) is the daughter of a bandit and she married into the Ling family by coincidence. When she was escaping from guards, she fled to the vehicle that was going to transport the bride. But the real bride had already eloped with another man. Therefore, in order to escape from the guards, Tin Lik had to be the imposer. Tin Lik’s mother-in-law, Hei Tap-Lap (Liza Wang), is very barbaric. They always argue with each other and Tin Lik’s husband, Ning Mao-Chun (Bosco Wong), always gets caught in the crossfire. He has to please his mother and wife at the same time.

Mao-Chun is a very timid guy. But no one knows that he is actually a hero that uses his martial arts to steal from corrupted officials, taking the money and giving it to the poor. He is known as the “nameless” hero. Once he appeared at a charity function to teach a corrupted official a lesson of justice, but ends up saving Tin Lik instead. From that day onwards, Tin Lik found herself falling in love with “nameless”. She would later discover that “nameless” is really Mao-Chun. Tin Lik’s true identity as a bandit, is also accidentally revealed to her family causing a reason for her mother-in-law to get rid of her. Will her love with Mao-Chun keep them inseparable….?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Liza Wang, Myolie Wu, Bosco Wong

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