Detective Investigation Files 4 – 刑事偵緝檔案4

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September 15, 2018
Guts of Man - 蓋世孖寶
Will Power - 法外風雲

Description: Because of his misbehavior, Tsui Fei (Louis Koo) is a sergeant sent to work with Senior Inspector Kong Tze Shan’s (Sunny Chan) homicide team at the Hong Kong Central Police Station. He has been emotionally unstable since the disappearance of his girlfriend Leung Chin Chin (Anne Heung) three years earlier. At first, his attitude is not welcomed by the other officers, especially Hon Kwok Yan (Edmond So), but they soon get along. Fei and Tze Shan eventually become best friends.

While investigating his first murder case, Fei meets psychologist Quin Mo Chiu Kwan (Jessica Hsuan) and the two fell in love. Because Fei still misses his ex-girlfriend, the two frequently quarrel.

Tze Shan has a beautiful girlfriend, Man Yuen Lan (Charmaine Sheh), but Yuen Lan’s best friend Tong Sum Yu (Lee San San) is also in love with him. Sum Yu tries hard to stop loving Tze Shan, until Yuen Lan’s father Man Kwok Tai (Law Lok Lam) kills Leung Kim Hung (Kwok Fung) – Tze Shan’s fellow officer and Chin Chin’s brother – in order to frame an old enemy. Kwok Tai forces his daughter to assist his crime, but in the end they are both captured and sent to prison. Yuen Lan gives Tze Shan up because of this.

Without Yuen Lan in the way, Sum Yu and Tze Shan quickly developed a relationship and even decided to marry. Yuen Lan has already been released from prison. Yuen Lan asked if they can have a chance to get back to together. Tze Shan said he already hurt Yuen Lan, and Yuen Lan will always be in his heart. He can’t hurt another person. Tze Shan still chooses Sum Yu and Yuen Lan also accepts the truth. Meanwhile, Tze Shan’s sister Kong Tze Ching (Maggie Siu) re-encounters her long-lost twin sister Tze Yiu (also played by Siu), but Tze Yiu turns out to be a lunatic and is involved with a murder case. Tze Ching tries to hide her but she cannot stop her from attending Tze Shan’s wedding. Tze Yiu’s emotions were stable at first but she suddenly has hallucinations of the man she murdered and tries to kill him with a knife. Unfortunately, her hallucinations appear right in front of Sum Yu who is stabbed to death as a result. Tze Shan is devastated and tries to rekindle his relationship with Yuen Lan, but Yuen Lan has decided to leave for Yunnan. Deep down, Tze Shan likes Yuen Lan more, but he felt bad because of what his sister did.

Meanwhile, Chin Chin suddenly reappears, and Fei discovers that Chin Chin had been held captive by gangster Cheng Tung Shing (Roger Kwok) for all these years. Tung Shing was friends with Fei, when Fei was an undercover in the triads, but their friendship turned to hatred when Fei revealed his identity. Tung Shing managed to escape and swore revenge against Fei. He kidnapped Chin Chin for future use. Finally, Tung Shing is defeated and sent to jail. Fei reluctantly breaks up with Quin as he felt he had owed Chin Chin way too much.

The last seconds of the show’s finale hint that Quin has developed a relationship with Tze Shan.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 50 Episodes
Release Date: 1999
Cast: Louis Koo, Sunny Chan, Jessica Hsuan, Charmaine Sheh, Lee San San

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