Moonlight Resonance – 溏心風暴之家好月圓

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January 8, 2021
Moonlight Resonance - 溏心風暴之家好月圓 - Episode 01
7 Days In Life - 隔離七日情

Description: Chung Siu-Hor, discovered that her husband Gan Tai-Cho was having an affair with their employee Yan-Hung. Siu-Hor and Tai-Cho owned a confectionery together known as the Moonlight Bakery. Yan-Hung forces Siu-Hor and Tai-Cho to declare divorce.

After this divorce, Yan-Hung and Tai-Cho take on the Moonlight Bakery name and prove successful, resulting in a family asset totaling HK$1 billion. Meanwhile, Siu-Hor struggles to make a living at the modest bakery she once owned with Tai-Cho. Over the next ten years, Yan-Hung manipulates the family to keep relations hostile.

When Yan-Hung has a miscarriage with Tai-Cho’s baby, she blames Wing-Yuen to make him feel indebted to her. Meanwhile, Siu-Hor’s sister Chung Siu-Sa comes to Hong Kong after divorcing her husband. Siu-Sa is very angry that Siu-Hor let Tai-Cho take the Moonlight Bakery name and decides to sue Yun-Hung and Tai-Cho for the Moonlight Bakery franchise. However, Siu-Sa ultimately loses the court case.

Wing-Ka lacks interest in managing the bakery; instead, he is addicted to the stock market. With Siu-Hor and Hou-Yuet’s encouragement and support, he is able to quit gambling. Wing-Ka eventually falls for his cousin, Siu-Sa’s daughter, Ka Mei.

When she comes back, the two fall in love again. However, the appearance of Dr. Ling Chi Shun causes So-Sum to abandon her feelings for Wing-Ho. She and Chi-Shun begin a relationship, but as it turns out, Chi-Shun already has a girlfriend named Wing-Lam. Despite Chi-Shun not having feelings for Wing-Lam, he feels indebted to her because she had helped him so much in the past.

However, she sees how concerned her family is about her and apologizes and returns home. Later, she begins developing feelings for Wing-Ka, however the appearance of Ka Mei causes Yuet to become jealous.

Wing-Yuen is the one child that sided with Yun-Hung, due to him believing that he was the one who caused her miscarriage. After breaking up with Wing-Ka, Ka Mei begins dating Wing-Yuen, despite the protest of his siblings and mother. He later has a baby with Ka Mei, but, unsure if it is his, Ka Mei gets an abortion to avoid complications.

Wing-Ho constantly tells her to find a real job, and she finally gets a job as an office clerk. There she meets Kelvin, who begins to fall for her. Initially, Kelvin’s mother is against the relationship, but she eventually accepts Wing-Hing and allows them to get married….

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 40 Episodes
Release Date: 2008
Cast: Louise Lee, Ha Yu, Michelle Yim, Susanna Kwan, Moses Chan, Raymond Lam, Linda Chung, Tavia Yeung, Lee Heung Kam, Fala Chen
Genre: Modern Drama

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