Master: God of Noodles – 마스터-국수의 신

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May 1, 2016
Master: God of Noodles - 마스터-국수의 신 - Episode 01 (English subtitles)
Entertainer - 딴따라


Description: Noodles can be a powerful weapon when done right. But can noodles help a young man exact revenge on those who have wronged him? Moo Myung (Chun Jung Myung) lives through a traumatic event as a child that left him all alone and grows up in an orphanage. He works cleaning noodles but is devastated when his beloved noodle master suffers a major tragedy. Moo Myung finds a new goal in life when he decides to become a master noodle chef to get revenge on all those who have caused him pain. Will he succeed in his revenge plan? “Master: God of Noodles” is a 2016 South Korean drama series directed by Kim Jong Yun. It is based on the comic “Guksuui Sin” by Park In Kwon.

Language: Korean
Country: Korea
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 27 April 2016
Director: Kim Jong Yun, Im Se Joon
Cast: Chun Jung Myung, Gong Seung Yun, Jo Jae Hyun

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