Perish In The Name Of Love – 帝女花

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January 3, 2019
The Criminal Investigator - O 記實錄
Eternal Happiness - 再生緣

Description: The beginning shows Chow Sai Hin (Steven Ma) and Princess Cheung Ping (Charmaine Sheh) growing up together. They were best friends, and it shows how deeply their friendship grew as each day passed by. Unfortunately, Yuk Fung (Maggie Shiu), the Empress, was punished for killing Tin Fei’s (Jay Lau) son. She was framed for this because Tin Fei (Jay Lau) wanted to become Empress by getting rid of Yuk Fung (Maggie Shiu). Therefore, Yuk Fung (Maggie Shiu) and her two daughters were banned out into Po Ting palace where all guilty and unfavored concubines lived.

Tin Fei (Jay Lau) tried to kill them once and for all by setting the palace on fire, but they escaped. After that, they lived in the countryside, suffering year by year of over-working themselves just to put a little food on the table. They lived in a small shack. Chiu Yan’s (Sonija Kwok) dream was to become a dancer whilst Cheung Ping (Charmaine Sheh), the most beloved and respectful daughter, worked extremely hard to help her mother get money. Cheung Ping (Charmaine Sheh) moves to local artillery workshop to work after Manchurian forces infiltrated and attacked local military outpost (where Cheung Ping worked as a cook), because she needs to make money for her family. She promised her mother she’d bring home a pack of rice each time she was able to go home while her sister, Princess Chiu Yan (Sonija Kwok), attended a dancing school. There, Cheung Ping (Charmaine Sheh) meet Cho Sing Hing (Michael Tong), who was son of the owner of the artillery workshop. She also found her long-lost friend, Chow Sai Hin (Steven Ma) there (whom now an excellent cannon designer). She didn’t reveal herself, for her mother’s concern of Tin Fei would come after them. Therefore, she went under the name Chu Fai Lei and Chiu Yan (Sonija Kwok) went under the name Chu Fai Lan. Sing Hing (Michael Tong) liked Fai Lei (Charmaine Sheh), not knowing she was once Princess Cheung Ping. Chow Sai Hin (Steven Ma) suspected that Fai Lei was Cheung Ping (Charmaine Sheh) because he knew Cheung Ping (Charmaine Sheh) wasn’t dead. He found a wish paper stuck in the tree that had her name on it…..
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 32 Episodes
Release Date: 2003
Cast: Steven Ma, Charmaine Sheh, Sonija Kwok, Michael Tong, Moses Chan, Maggie Shiu, Annie Man, Jay Lau, Marco Ngai, Anne Heung

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