The Clan of the White Lotus – 洪文定三破白莲教

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March 6, 2016
Challenge of the Masters - 陸阿采與黃飛鴻
The Monkey King - 西游記之大鬧天宮

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220px-Clan_of_the_White_Lotus_FilmPosterDescription: Shaolin practitioners and brothers Wu and Hung kill the merciless Pai Mei. However, Pai Mei’s even more merciless brother White Lotus takes revenge; killing most of the Shaolin disciples, including Wu and Hung’s girlfriend, leaving only Wu’s pregnant wife and…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 98 Minutes
Release Date: 1980
Director: Lo Lieh
Cast: Lo Lieh, Gordon Liu, Kara Hui, Johnny Wang, Hsiao Ho

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