Inbound Troubles – 老表, 你好嘢!

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Rosy Business - 巾幗梟雄
Let It Be Love - 4 In Love

Description: TheHK native born SZETO PAK YU (Roger Kwok) works hard running a travel agency. Because he helped his girlfriend (Angela Tong) pay off debts, hegoes bankrupt, but still carried a never-give-up spirit and continues striving for to make a better living. His cousin KO YAU LAM (Wong Cho Lam) grew up in China and came to Hong Kong to pursue a singing career. The cousins ends up under one roof and due to the cultural differences, they frequently run into conflicts, which brings laughter along the way.Eventually the cousins learn to mutually support and understand one another. PAK YU and a social worker KA PUI CHOI (Joey Meng) developed a relationship when they collectively helped new immigrants. When PAK YU finds out his girlfriend was unfaithful to him, he suffered great emotional impact, but fortunately CHOI was by his side to support him. The courageous LAM sets off on his singing journey, where he meets a group of sidekicks, whom are difficult to find close friends, and he also meets his biological mother. Whether if they are people from Hong Kong or immigrants from Mainland, they’re all just struggling to pursue ahappier life.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 14 January 2013
Cast: Roger Kwok, Wong Cho Lam, Joey Meng, Ivana Wong, Angela Tong, Louis Cheung, Wong Kwong Leung, Mimi Chu, Wu Fung, Law Lan, Mary Hon, Bob Lam
Genre: Comedy

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