Rosy Business – 巾幗梟雄

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December 31, 2018
Growing Through Life - 摘星之旅
Inbound Troubles - 老表, 你好嘢!

RosybusinessposterDescription: HONG PO KEI’s (Tang Shui Man, Sheren) engagement with Wuxi rice baronTSEUNG KIU (Yueh Wah) broke off many years ago when a natural disasterhit the country. Later when the country was running out of food supplyher whole family was killed and she become a criminal. Over the years,KEI has never got over KIU. She has been trying to prove he is not asheartless as the others think. Fate has it that they meet again and shebecomes his fourth wife. KIU’s first and second wives, YAN FUNG YEE(Tse Suet Sum) and PANG KIU (Sheung Tin Ngor, Kiki), always make thingsdifficult for KEI. KEI, who is an extremely clever person who neverwastes time on trivial things, turns every threat into an opportunity.This makes KIU appreciate her wisdom and persistence. He entrusts hisbusiness to her and tells her to find a suitable successor for himbefore he dies.

Despite all the attacks in the family, KEImanages to keep the business in good shape. She has never forgottenKIU’s last wish, too. By chance, she discovers that TSEUNG PIT CHING(Ng Cheuk Hai, Ron), KIU’s second son, is not really a playboy but anupright person loved by everyone in the shop. She therefore guides andhelps him in every possible way, but her efforts are met with CHAIKAU’s (Lai Yiu Cheung) challenges. KAU seeks vengeance for beingmistreated and wants a pay back from TSEUNG family. After rounds afterrounds of battle wits and actual fights, KEI and KAU begin toappreciate each other. KAU even falls for KEI as time goes by…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Cast: Sheren Tang, Wayne Lai, Ron Ng, Kiki Sheung, Susan Tse, Kara Hui, Yuen Wah, Nancy Wu, Suki Chui, Pierre Ngo, Kelvin Leung
Genre: TV Series

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