Return of the Cuckoo (Movie) – 十月初五的月光

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January 17, 2016
ATM 2015 - 提款機
My Young Auntie - 長輩

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casaugfqtfvq.thDescription: Return of the Cuckoo (Chinese: 十月初五的月光) is a 2015 Hong Kong-Chinese romantic melodrama film adaption of the Return of the Cuckoo series, a 20-episode TVB drama broadcast in 2000. The film is directed by Patrick Kong and starring original cast Julian Cheung, Charmaine Sheh and Nancy Sit. The film will continue the story where the drama left off.
A short music trailer was released in February 2015 to overwhelming popularity. Julian Cheung sings the original theme song “Wishing Kwan Well” (祝君好).
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2015
Director: Patrick Kong
Cast: Julian Cheung, Charmaine Sheh, Joe Chen, Nancy Sit

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