Love Around (Cantonese) – 真愛黑白配

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December 31, 2015
Love Around (Cantonese) - 真愛黑白配 - Episode 01
Light up My Life (Cantonese) - 你照亮我星球


Description: Two individuals with opposite family backgrounds, she is the daughter of a former Chief of Police and he is the son of a former triad boss, become friends when both have just been dumped by their significant others. They use their heartbreak to console each other but soon their friendship turns to love, but their love may not survive when she publicly offends a man she doesn’t know is his father.

周震(胡宇威飾)是一個文質彬彬、善良正直的男生,父親周大寬(檢場飾)曾是黑道大佬,如今已金盆洗手。周震對交往多年的女友癡心一片,沒想到女友卻因其「黑道出身」的身分而提出分手。周震傷心失意之際,遇上了梁小舒(陳庭妮飾)。 小舒是個電台DJ,性格樂天爽直,父親梁一磊(張復健飾)是一名退休警察。在其薰陶下,小舒為人極富正義感,時常替人打抱不平,可是面對感情事卻十分畏縮。一天,小舒滿心歡喜為男友製造生日驚喜,怎料他竟另結新歡而把小舒狠狠拋棄。周震碰巧在場,立即上前幫小舒解圍。於是,同病相憐的二人相遇了。其後二人互相鼓勵和支持,漸漸走出失戀的陰霾,並在不知不覺間喜歡上對方。然而,出身「黑白兩道」的二人,感情發展會遇上甚麼挑戰?
Language: Cantonese
Country: Taiwan
Release Date: 31 December 2015
Cast: George Hu , Annie Chen

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