Hidden Faces – 三面形醫

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December 25, 2018
Journey To The West - 西遊記 (1996)
Show Me The Happy - 依家有喜

hidden-faces-2015Description:Humans are naturally born to love beauty. Alot of people put on makeup, do beauty treatments, some even opt for plastic surgery — but there are probably not many people who are willing to look directly into a mirror and comfortably, naturally, peel away their glamorous ‘outer skin’ and reveal the rawest, most hidden side of themselves. That’s why all along, doctors are only able to heal our physical bodies, but not our hearts. Ultimately, the ‘root cause’ of alot of illnesses does not stray far from what we call ‘humanity’ (renxing)!

Utilizing the story of a plastic surgeon joining a franchised medical treatment conglomerate as basis and adding in a ‘discussion’ of a few recent controversial ‘hot topics’, the series will attempt to critique the value system of mainstream modern society in the hopes of inspring the general public to reflect on the definition of ‘beauty’ and how it relates to their own value system. At the same time, it hopes to be the ‘voice’ for different levels of people in society and thereby resonate with audiences.
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): HKTV
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 18 Episodes
Release Date: 24 July 2015
Cast: Frankie Lam , John Chiang , Wilson Tsui , Kate Yeung, Sam Chan , Leanne Ho , Lesley Chiang , Rain Lau , Benji Chiang , Queenie Chan , Rachel Lam , Yan Ng , Maria Chen , Philip Keung

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