Good Against Evil (2005) – 点指贼贼贼捉贼

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July 18, 2024
Good Against Evil (2005) - 点指贼贼贼捉贼 - Episode 01
The Floating Generation - 島嶼協奏曲

Description: A kind-hearted thief is constantly plagued by his conscience every time he has a mission. He doesn’t really want to steal, but he has to in order to provide for his sister, Mary. On a chance encounter, he assumes the identity of a detective, who is totally opposite in character, but bears a striking resemblance with him. Problems arise as he tries to fix up the bad image Hwa Hak has with the public, his family and his friends

导演: 黄伟声
主演: 邓萃雯 / 温兆伦 / 蒙嘉慧
类型: 喜剧 / 悬疑
制片国家/地区: 中国香港
语言: 粤语

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