A Great Way to Care 2 – 仁心解碼 II

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May 15, 2020
Stained - 心冤
The Gutter - 嘆息橋

Description: Psychiatrist KO LAP YAN (Alex Fong) is completely disheartened by the death of his wife (Kate Tsui), and had plans to quit his job and leave Hong Kong. Before he leaves, he encounters a psychopath murdering case and investigates the case with forensic psychiatrist LEUNG KAI WING (Edwin Siu), thereby regaining his passion for psychiatry. With the advice from his good friend LIN CHI SAM (Ram Chiang), YAN decided not to leave and joined the forensic psychiatry branch. In his new job, LAP YAN meets his colleague CHEUK WAI KIU (Yoyo Mung) and policewoman LAM CHUNG YAN (Tavia Yeung). LAP YAN and CHUNG YAN quickly became friends, while KIU developed feelings for him. The three get entangled in a subtle love triangle, each keeping their feelings inside… LAP and YAN encounters a serial killer case and based on his analysis, it was very likely that the killer is someone he knows. Meanwhile, LAP YAN discovers his wife’s death was not an accident…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 18 March 2013
Cast: Alex Fong, Tavia Yeung, Yoyo Mung, Kate Tsui, Raymond Wong, Aimee Chan, Ben Wong, Ram Tseung, Edwin Siu, Stephen Au, Raymond Cho, KK Cheung, Oscar Leung, Christine Kuo, Oceane Zhu
Genre: Modern Drama

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