Reblooming Blue (2024) – 另一种蓝 (English subtitles)

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May 9, 2024
Reblooming Blue (2024) - 另一种蓝 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Heroes (2024) - 天行健 (English subtitles)

Description: Chen Xiaoman, a girl who works hard in a big city, works hard and saves money on food and expenses, just to save enough funds to buy shares in the family porcelain business, but returns to her hometown due to successive unemployment. At this time, Ke Yan, Chen Xiaoman’s boss, also encountered unprecedented setbacks. In order to make a good turnaround, Ke Yan came to Chen Xiaoman’s hometown to seek help from a legend in the investment world who lives in seclusion here. Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan met again, and the fate of the two was intertwined because of porcelain. Under Ke Yan’s guidance and encouragement, Chen Xiaoman decided to embark on the road of entrepreneurship. During the difficult entrepreneurial process, Ke Yan gave Chen Xiaoman warm love and strong support. Chen Xiaoman plucked up his courage and began to face the conflict of interests of the family business, break through all kinds of troubles, and innovate and develop the porcelain manufacturing industry. When Ke Yan was in a slump, Chen Xiaoman invited him to start a business together, and the two had a beautiful love. In the end, Chen Xiaoman opened the knot with her family, bringing warmth and harmony back to the family, and she also became a brand new and richer self.

Country: China

Director: Leon Li

Actors: Guanjin BuJinghui JiaLei CaoMintao LiuPinyuan HuangVic ChouVictoria SongXingyang Xie…Yanmanzi ZhuYuelin Shi

Genres: Drama, Romance

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