Smooth Talker – 以和為貴

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August 4, 2023
Smooth Talker - 以和為貴 - Episode 01
My Pet My Angel - 寵愛Pet Pet

Description: Hau Tak-sze (Joe Ma) has recently inherited his late father’s social club, besides managing the club he also works full-time as a court mediator. He meets Mo Sui-yee (Kate Tsui), who is in the process of divorcing her cheating ex-husband, during one of his cases. Sui-yee moves into her aunt Lam Ah-lui’s (Elena Kong) home during her divorce, she soon finds out that her ex-husband’s lover also lives in the same building as her aunt. Since Tak-sze visits the building frequently Sui-yee thinks both him and her ex-husband’s lover are in cohorts together to try to gain her property from her divorce.

Mo Sui-yee gets a job at Au Yeung-ai’s (Johnson Lee) law office, Tak-sze also visits the law office frequently because he is best friends with Yeung-ai. Through her boss and new job, Sui-yee learns that Tak-sze is truly a nice guy who works hard at his job.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 30 March 2015
Cast: Joe Ma, Kate Tsui, Johnson Lee, Elena Kong, Tommy Wong, Tracy Chu
Genre: Modern Drama, Romance, Comedy

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