Miss Mystery (2023) – 迷情庄园 (English subtitles)

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October 9, 2023
Miss Mystery (2023) - 迷情庄园 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
The Heart (2023) - 问心 (English subtitles)

Description:18 years ago a young and innocent Xue Tong witnessed her family being brutally murdered. Since then she has hidden herself quietly and patiently, waiting for the day she could put her revenge plan into action. Well that day has come, and Xue Tong has finally returned to her hometown as Miss Lin Bao Er, the daughter of a wealthy Nanyang businessman. Now an adult, Lin Bao Er is clever, cunning, good with a gun, and skilled at understanding the depths of human nature. When she meets the charming young master Zhu Guan Wen, the two decide to pose as couple in order to progress their own interests. Neither can help but grow feelings for each other, but will their love be their greatest strength or their downfall?

Country: China

Actors: Leo YangShujun ChenWu Jingxin

Genres: Drama, Historical, Romance

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