The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell – 扫毒3人在天涯
Description: An undercover cop who invade a drug cartel led by a notorious Thai drug lord. In classic heroic bloodshed fashion, the two develop a bond of brotherhood.
Director:Herman Yau
Writer:Herman Yau
Stars:Alex Fong, Louis Koo, Aaron Kwok.
1386 0THE LAST CONFLICT – 刑警本色 BETRAYAL,THE (TVB ON-AIR) – 諜血黃埔灘 Description: 笨賊堅、炳誤盜九轉靈童,堅更挾持的士司機倫為人質,糾纏中與新紮師姐盈同墮時光隧道,被成吉思汗誤會為奸細,幸得神鵰大俠楊過及小龍女所救。三人再遇陸小鳳和小李飛刀,堅為梟雄葉弧城利用,決戰紫禁城,為陸李雙俠所擊敗。堅敗走至蓋世豪俠年代,被飛及第一勇士戲弄,挾盈逃去,飛助倫追蹤至民初,遇流氓皇帝朱錦春乃其愛侶蓉,合三人之力終救得盈。倫、盈再度穿梭時空,發現再度置身「風之刀」少俠決戰江湖,倫、盈捲入其中。 Language: Cantonese Country: Hong Kong
Vampire Cleanup Department – 救殭清道夫
1591 0The Moment – 此情此刻 Angel Whispers – 花街柳巷 Description: Attacked by vampire, Spring, a born loser is saved by three street cleaners. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a government secret facilities hidden in a garbage collection station.
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