Love Suddenly (2022) – 忽然心動

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April 19, 2023
May You Stay Forever Young (2022) - 少年
Eye in the Sky - 跟踪 (2007)

Description: This story is a collection of four love relationships: Geeky Hong (Michael Ning) who looks forward to romance bumps into Shirley (Shirley Chan); Rich kid Silver (Chloe So) who is socially anxious hires a rental boyfriend Jerome (Adam Pak); Chung (Anson Kong) and Zoe (Karena),a dysfunctional pair of social couple; and Ho (Edward Ma) an indecisive person meeting Tin Tin (Roxanne Tong), a nurse with polyamorous relationships. Following the through line in each story, they encounter unexpected obstacles in their relationships all set on the eve of Valentine’s Day.

Country: Hong Kong

Director: Mak Ho-Pong

Actors: Adam PakAnson KongCheung Tat-MingChloe SoEdward MaHo Kai WaKarena NgKingdom YuenMichael NingRoxanne Tong

Genres: Romance

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