The Seven Angels (1985) – 歡昌
Description:Seven female police officers with behavioral problems are investigating a series of murders, and are instructed to go undercover in a nightclub in Hong Kong called Vovo. There they meet See Ga Pao, the man suspected of preying on club girls. Despite their disregard for police protocol and their lack of finesse, the officers are willing to do anything to catch the killer.
Also Known As: Huan chang
Director: Michael Mak
Genres: Comedy
Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg (2009) – 机器侠
2205 0A Murder Erased (2022) – 被消失的凶案 Just 1 Day (2022) – 給我1天 Description:The film takes place in 2046. The Chinese government has created the first cybernetic organism, K1, programmed with sophisticated social conscience, ideal for police applications. Initially deployed
Sakra – 天龍八部之喬峯傳
2009 0Cyber Heist – 斷網 Warriors of Future – 明日戰記 Description:As a baby, Khitan-born Qiao Feng loses his parents and is sent to be raised by a couple from the Song Empire, which is at war with the Khitan-led Liao
The Great Magician – 大魔术师
1658 0Heartfall Arises – 惊天破 Namiya – 解憂雜貨店 Description: In the years after the Revolution in which the Qing Dynasty in China is overthrown and the Republic is established, China is broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fighting
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