The Goofy Gang 1987 – 歡樂5人組

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April 12, 2023
Wise Guys Never Die - 提防老千
Silent Love 1986 - 聽不到的說話

Description:Wai is a waiter in a country club. One day at work he is humiliated by the wife of a millionaire Harry Tse; and in order to get even, he and his gang plan kidnap Mrs. Tse. His gang includes Jacky Chong, Sly Sze and Martha. The kidnapping goes wrong from the beginning. Instead of getting Mrs.Tse, they kidnap Harry Tse by mistake! The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers. Mina also asks Mrs. Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs. Tse refuses. On the other Hand, Wai and the others do not know how to get the ransom money. Harry in fact helps them to devise a plan, since he’s afraid they might do something nasty to him if they don’t get the money… ×

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