Man on the Edge (2022) – 边缘行者

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April 11, 2023
Goodbye Mammie 1986 - 再見媽咪
The Sparring Partner (2022) - 正義迴廊

Description:It tells the story of A Luo, an undercover agent who switches between multiple identities as he walks on the edge of black and white. On the eve of the Hong Kong handover in 1997, conflict between various forces have intensified and violence was a common occurrence. Before this monumental moment, gang leader Lin Yao Chang, entrusts his lackey A Luo with the responsibility of handling important affairs.

Country: Hong Kong
Director: Sam Wong Ming-Sing
Actors: Alex FongAlice ChanDanny Chan Kwok-kwanJerry Lamb Hiu-FungKarena LamKenneth TsangPatrick TamRichie JenRon NgSammo Hung
Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

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