The Interest of Love (2022) – 사랑의 이해 (English subtitles)

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December 20, 2022
The Interest of Love (2022) - 사랑의 이해 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Trolley (2022) - 트롤리 (English subtitles)

Description: Takes place at Nara Bank’s Yeongpo branch, which is celebrating the 99th anniversary of its foundation. The story focuses on the scandalous office romance between the characters Ha Sang Soo, Ahn Soo Young, Park Mi Kyung, and Jung Jong Hyun.

Ha Sang Soo, the senior head of the comprehensive consultation team at Nara Bank’s Yeongpo branch. Ha Sang Soo has had this position for three years already, and he is a handsome, intelligent, and sturdy person who will not waver in the face of life’s difficulties. Although he is an upright character, Ha Sang Soo is not cold or too formal but rather warmhearted with a humorous side. Not to mention, he has an athletic form fit for a national athlete rather than a bank employee. He entered his job as the top employee from Nara Bank’s training center, so he is very popular but also the source of envy for many others.

Ahn Soo Young is a fourth-year chief bank teller at Nara Bank’s Yeongpo branch. Known as the goddess of Yeongpo branch, she possesses gorgeous looks and a sweet voice. She started off as a part-time teller and is now a fourth-year chief, but she seems to be forever stuck at that level.

Park Mi Kyung comes from a rich family. She is self-assertive and quite open about her feelings. When she has someone that she likes, she makes that person join her side no matter what. She enters a relationship that doesn’t go as she wishes.

Jung Jong Hyun is studying for an exam to become a police officer. He has a personality that drives him do his best in everything. He lives in a harsh situation.

Times:16 Episodes
Release Date:22 December 2022
Production company(s):jTBC, Netflix
Director:Jo Young Min
Cast:Yoo Yeon Seok, Moon Ga Young, Geum Sae Rok, Jung Ga Ram, Moon Tae Yu, Oh Dong Min

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