The Heaven Sword And The Dragon Sabre – 倚天屠龍記 2021

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February 25, 2022
Novoland: The Castle In The Sky Ⅱ (Cantonese) - 九州天空城II
The Ideal City (Cantonese) - 理想之城

Description: 江湖傳聞,得到屠龍刀倚天劍者,可以成為武林至尊。群雄紛紛搶奪,武當派張翠山與天鷹教殷素素因屠龍刀相遇相戀,最後被正派人士所逼迫自盡。他們的兒子張無忌背負著國仇家恨,機緣巧合間被推選為明教教主…

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