Yumi’s Cells – 유미의 세포들 (English subtitles)

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September 17, 2021
Yumi’s Cells - 유미의 세포들 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
The Veil - 검은 태양 (English subtitles)

Description: This drama is based on webcomic “Yumi’s Cells” by Lee Dong Gun which was published from 2015-April-01 to 2020-Nov-13 via Naver.

Kim Yoo Mi (Kim Go Eun)is an ordinary office worker. The story frequently switches setting between Yumi’s real life and inside her mind where ‘cells’ represent each of her emotions and drives. Her love cells are in state of coma after a failed relationship. The series will trace her growth and changeas her brain cells wake up the love cells. Game developer Goo Woong (Ahn Bo Hyun), and her co-workers Ruby (Lee Yoo Bi) and Seo Sae Yi (Park Ji Hyun), help in their own ways to revive her love cells.

Times:14 Episodes
Release Date:17 September 2021
Production company(s):tvN
Director:Lee Sang Yeob
Cast:Kim Go Eun, Ahn Bo Hyun, Lee Yoo Bi, Park Ji Hyun, Jung Soon Won, Jin Young, Minho

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