Dragon Fight 1989 – 龍在天涯
Description:Jimmy and Tiger are members of the Chinese national wushu team. The two are in Los Angeles to perform exhibitions. However, for Tiger, he plans to defect to L.A. to make a name for himself. When Jimmy learns of Tigers plan to defect, an attempt to stop him fails and Jimmy ends up missing his flight to China. Now a fish out of water, Jimmy’s only hope is Andy, a wisecracking youngster in L.A. Meanwhile, Tiger works for a mafia boss. When Tiger loses a fortune in cocaine in a detergent box that Andy accidentally took, Andy and Jimmy soon have no choice but to face the wrath of Tiger and his men. Their only ally is Penny, the girlfriend of Tiger’s boss. Two men who were once best friends have now become bitter enemies.
Director: Billy Tang
Cast:Jet Li Stephen Chow Dick Wei Nina Li Chi Mark Williams Michael McFall Henry Fong Ping Go Wang Victor Chew Steven Ho
Dragon Fight 1989 - 龍在天涯 Movie
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Kidnap Ding Ding Don – 綁架丁丁噹
2056 0Island of Fire – 火燒島 No Breathing (Cantonese) – 速水花美男 Description: In this offbeat romcom, comedian Ivana Wong plays Ding ding, a kidnapped woman who finds herself in a quirky romance with a male amnesiac, Minion. Language: Cantonese Country: Hong Kong Times: 96 Minutes
Days of Being Wild – 阿飞正传
2330 0A Moment of Romance III – 天若有情III烽火佳人 Insanity – 触目惊心 Description: 故事以六十年代初期为背景,折射的却是90年代人们疲惫的灵魂。 阿飞(张国荣)是上海移民,他从未见过生母,自小由养母养大,因此长大后他对生命中遇到的每一个女人都冷酷无情。放荡不羁的他先后与售票员苏丽珍(张曼玉)和舞女咪咪(刘嘉玲)同居,但后来又相继抛弃了她们。阿飞决计找到生母,为此他只身前往南洋。一直暗恋苏丽珍的警察(刘德华)目睹了苏丽珍与阿飞的决裂后,决定改行去跑船。在菲律宾,他又见到了阿飞,此时的阿飞已在一场欧斗中身负重伤。他守着阿飞死在一列返乡的火车上。 Language: Cantonese Country: Hong Kong Release Date: 1990
Days of Being Wild – 阿飛正傳
2064 0Ghost for Sale (1991) – 捉鬼專門店 Hi, Mom – 你好,李焕英 Description: 1960年代的香港,因生母在阿飞旭仔(张国荣)长大成人过程中的缺失,他把自己优雅地比喻为“无根鸟”,对生命中遇到的每一个女人都表现得放荡不羁,售票员苏丽珍(张曼玉)和舞女咪咪(刘嘉玲)先后令他感受过温暖,可是她们也只能当当小情人。为摆脱沉重和无力感,旭仔抛下一切去南洋找寻生母。 暗恋过苏丽珍且目睹过她与旭仔情感一路变化的,曾是小巡警今在跑船的超仔(刘德华)在菲律宾又遇到旭仔,是缘分也是宿命,他参与、见证了阿飞命运被改写的过程 导演: 王家卫 编剧: 王家卫 主演: 张国荣 / 张曼玉 / 刘嘉玲 / 刘德华 / 张学友 / 更多… 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 /
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