The Longest Nite 1998 – 暗花
Description:Caught in the middle of a fierce gang war in Macau, a corrupt cop named Sam (Tony Leung Chiu-wai) handles negotiations between two Triad leaders who plan to join forces. He meets a suspicious bald man named Tony (Lau Ching-wan),…
Director: Johnnie To, Patrick Yau
Cast: Lau Ching-Wan Tony Leung Chiu-Wai Maggie Shiu Lung Fong Sunny Fang Kang Ronny Ching Siu-Lung Mark Cheng Wong Tin-Lam Lo Hoi-Pang Yuen Bun Lam Suet
Movie The Longest Nite 1998 - 暗花
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Temporary Family – 失戀急讓
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