A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) – 倩女幽魂

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April 5, 2021
Fatal Visit 2020 - 聖荷西謀殺案
Life Without Principle - 奪命金

Description:Ning Tsai-Shen, a humble tax collector, arrives in a small town to carry out his work. Unsurprisingly, no-one is willing to give him shelter for the night, so he ends up spending the night in the haunted Lan Ro temple. There, he meets Taoist Swordsman Yen Che-Hsia, who warns him to stay out of trouble, and the beautiful Nieh Hsiao-Tsing, with whom he falls in love. Unfortunately, Hsiao-Tsing is a ghost, bound for all eternity by a hideous tree spirit with an incredibly long tongue that wraps itself round its victims and sucks out their life essence.
Director:Siu-Tung Ching
Cast:Leslie Cheung, Joey Wong, Ma Wu, Dawei Hu, Jin Jiang

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