Lonely Enough to Love – 연애는 귀찮지만 외로운 건 싫어! (English subtitles)

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August 11, 2020
Lonely Enough to Love - 연애는 귀찮지만 외로운 건 싫어! (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Graceful Friends (Cantonese) - 優雅的家

Description: This drama is about youths living in a co-living house together who want to be in relationships but don’t want anything too serious, and whowant freedom but don’t want to be lonely. It is set to be a realistic portrayal of people in their twenties and thirties as they navigate through life and love.

A successful psychiatrist in his thirties, Cha Kang Woo (Ji Hyun Woo)could be considered by some to be the perfect man. Handsome and single,with a successful career, he has no problem finding women who are attracted to him. Unfortunately, his traumatic past has made it impossible for him to reciprocate anyone’s feelings as he harbors a veryreal fear of romantic relationships. Despite not wanting to date, Kang Woo still craves interaction with others, and as he’s intrigued by the habits of others, he finds residing at a co-living house to be just about perfect.

But life takes an unexpected turn when Lee Na Eun (Kim So Eun)moves in. A freelance copy editor who dreams of someday becoming a novelist, Na Eun sparks feelings within Kang Woo he wasn’t expecting. Generous to those she deems good and intolerant of any sort of injustice, Na Eun is a unique woman, who has, coincidentally, spent the last four years single. While being single doesn’t bother her, Na Eun has to admit that being lonely is no fun.

Despite the fact that Kang Woo and Na Eun prefer the freedom that comes with being single, they both agree that they’d rather not be lonely. Can true love blossom between housemates when neither seems willing to commit to a serious relationship?

A.K.A:Love Is Annoying, But I Hate Being Lonely
Genre:Comedy, Romance
Times:16 Episodes
Release Date:11 August 2020
Production company(s):MBC every1
Director:Lee Hyun Joo
Cast:Ji Hyun Woo, Kim So Eun, Park Gun Il, Han Ji Wan, Ha Young, Kim San Ho, Son Ji Hyun, Cha Soo Yun

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