Al Cappuccino – 反黑路人甲

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August 10, 2020
Al Cappuccino - 反黑路人甲 - Episode 01
Line Walker: The Prelude - 使徒行者2

Description: 一宗謀殺案,令江湖醞釀大風暴。美籍華裔戲痴張細倫回港尋找演出機會,因緣際會下被警花顧欣頤委以重任,要他冒充社團四聯幫坐館的遺孤。在資深臥底高彬的協助下,細倫當上坐館。及後,細倫多次向黑道頭目蘇芷珊、女明星莊明麗伸出援手;夜場大家姐姚清水、三個沒血緣關係的妹妹亦圍着細倫團團轉。細倫初涉江湖,與高彬成為最佳拍檔,加上金牌打手陸秋拼死保護,化解多個危機,卻不知道社團背後,早已有驚天大陰謀在等着他……

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 10 Aug 2020
Cast: Vincent Wong, Owen Cheung, Crystal Fung, Kathy Ka Yi Yuen, Samantha Ko, Angel Chiang, John Chiang, Winki Lai, Kelly Fu, Tsui Wing, Shek Sau, Jack Hui, Serene Lim, Brian Chu, Bert Mok, Li Shing-cheong, KK Cheung, Chun Wong, Henry Yu, King Kong Lam, Eddie Pang, Yu Chi Ming, Otto Chan, John Au Hin Wai, Albert Cheung

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