On-Lie Game – 迷網

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July 13, 2020
On-Lie Game - 迷網 - Episode 01
The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow - 九五至尊

Description: 科技罪案組高級督察司徒忠、督察蕭美婷在工作上亦師亦友,屢破各種電話、網絡、科技騙案;司徒忠在偵查一宗網上情緣案件的過程中,重遇前度女友張慧,碰巧她與丈夫沈子浩關係破裂,司徒忠與張慧愛火得以重燃……美婷及後誤令家人被騙財,情緒大受打擊,幸得司徒忠從旁扶持,重新站起。與此同時,倫敦金騙案鬧得滿城風雨,而子浩與張慧亦牽連其中,危機四伏;騙案其實由勢力龐大的集團控制,幕後主腦更是欺騙美婷家人的匪徒……司徒忠與美婷攜手並肩,誓要將騙徒繩之以法。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 13 July 2020
Cast: Mat Yeung, Samantha Ko, Hebe Chan, John Chiang, Helen Ma, Li Shing-cheong, Stefan Wong, Strawberry Yeung Yuk Mui, Jacqueline Ch’ng

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