Clean with Passion for Now (Cantonese) – 先熱情地打掃吧

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October 2, 2019
Clean with Passion for Now (Cantonese) - 先熱情地打掃吧 - Episode 01
Extraordinary You (English subtitles) - 어쩌다 발견한 하루

Description: 일단 뜨겁게 청소하라
劇情講的是為生計和求職奔波、毫無衛生觀念的女主角吉五雪,偏偏進了以清潔打掃為業的公司,還遇到有嚴重潔癖的CEO張善潔的故事。 張善潔把清潔看做人類的使命,不僅自己拒絕與他人肢體接觸,就連世上的一絲塵埃都不能容忍,上演陷入愛河的浪漫愛情喜劇。
Clean With Passion For Now ” is about Jang Sun Gyul owning a cleaning company. He hates germs and has an obsession with keeping things sparkling clean. He meets Gil Oh Sol, a woman with a bright personality, the complete opposite of Sun Gyul. She met him and started helping him face his bacterial phobia. In the process of receiving her help, he fell in love with Gil Oh Sol.

Kim Yoo Jung, Yoon Kyun Sang, Song Jae Rim, Kim Min Kyu, Yoo Sun, Kim Won Hae
No Jong-Chan
45 mins
November 26, 2018


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