Boys To Men (Mandarin) – 拜托啦师兄

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September 1, 2019
Boys To Men (Mandarin) - 拜托啦师兄 - Episode 01
Walk Into Your Memory (Mandarin) - 走進你的記憶

Description: 拜託啦師兄

Twenty-year-old fencing prodigy Ouyang, who after just winning the coveted World Fencing Championship, fell into a coma after an accident while racing motorcycles. Five years later, our sleeping beauty finally awakens from his deep slumber only to find that things aren’t as they were anymore – his father OuXiong passed away strangely while his girlfriend and her family are gone. Ouyang, who’s already hit rock bottom once, falls into despair again. His only saving grace? A renewed passion for the sport that he used to excel in. And so with the help of Zhou Miyang and the mysterious Mr. Z, Ouyang pushes himself to greater heights and finds his own personal and professional renaissance.


40 Episodes
30 August 2019



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