The Birth Of The Drama King (Mandarin) – 少年江湖物语

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July 16, 2019
Go Go Squid! (Mandarin) - 亲爱的,热爱的
Love And Destiny (Mandarin) - 宸汐缘

Description: Shao Nian Jiang Hu Wu Yu
The story that centers around two male leads gives a light and fun take on an unconventional pugilistic world.

It depicts youth at its finest and follows the sect master of an evil sect, the number one swordsman in the land, a doctor with a mysterious identity, a loyal maidservant and a famous courtesan with unparallelled beauty. Individuals with seemingly no connection to each other play their part in this wuxia story.


Comedy, Romance
24 Episodes
10 July 2019


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