Deep In My Heart (Mandarin) – 我心深觸

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June 25, 2019
The Journey of Flower (Cantonese) - 花千骨
My Beluga Boyfriend (Mandarin) - 我的白鲸男友

Description: 我心深触 / Wo Xin Shen Chu / 我心深触
A story about unraveling mysteries and healing follows a man with special abilities and a woman with a dual personality.

Kong Yi Fei has many identities. He is a music teacher at a liberal arts school and a criminal psychologist with a talent to see the past through the sense of touch. Han Bing is a hot-blooded female reporter whose other self is a soul that is raging wild. The two meetafter being accidentally pulled into a serial murder case. Together with their detective friend Xu Gao Sheng, they work together to capture the real culprit.


Romance, Crime, Mystery
28 Episodes
19 June 2019





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