My Beluga Boyfriend (Mandarin) – 我的白鲸男友

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June 25, 2019
Deep In My Heart (Mandarin) - 我心深觸
The Story of MingLan (Cantonese) - 知否知否應是綠肥紅瘦

Description: 我的白鲸男友第一季 / 我的白鲸男朋友 / Wo De Bai Jing Nan Pengyou / Wo De Bai Jing Nan You
Two people who meet by chance uncover conspiracies from the past. How will they choose between love and doing what’s right?

As Meng Yao and Sheng Wei Yin get to know each other, they begin to unravel an earth-shattering conspiracy from five years ago. It involves an ex-boyfriend that went missing mysteriously and an intellectually superior green-eyed beluga. The couple who slowly fall for each other find themselves at the center of the schemes.

女主人公楚瑶幼年落水被智力超群的绿 眼白鲸所救,谜一般的体验让她从此深信世间万物的纯真美好,可这份天真却让她在感情上 屡屡受挫。绿眼白鲸不幸成为邪恶科学家的实验品,其意识被移植到人类体内并抹去了记忆, 变成具有白鲸意识的奇妙人物“盛蔚”。楚瑶和盛蔚因为一场误会,阴差阳错再次相识,一 个是用盛气凌人掩盖内心迷茫孤寂的“高冷男”,一个是用潇洒不羁包裹火热内心的执着女 孩,他们被卷入意识交换实验的巨大阴谋,这场阴谋中人性的自私贪欲暴露无遗。男女主人 公这份跨越物种超越世俗的爱情面对着重重考验,最终为粉碎阴谋,伸张正义,却被阻绝在 命运沟壑的两端,相望相守。

24 Episodes





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