To Be With You (Mandarin) – 我要和你在一起

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May 19, 2019
To Be With You (Mandarin) - 我要和你在一起 - Episode 01
My True Friend (Mandarin) - 我的真朋友

Description: I Want To Be With You / Wo Yao He Ni Zai Yiqi
Lin Meiya aboard a plane to return home from her studies abroad when she crosses paths with Ou Lin because of a misunderstanding. She had intended to get married upon her return but is unexpectedly met with her boyfriend’s cold betrayal. Learning to stand up and walk again from a heartbreak, she finds employment at Ou Lin’s company. Through their time together, their relationship surpasses that of simple friends and they learn to lean on each other through difficult times.


65 Episodes
18 May 2019



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