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May 13, 2019
My Commissioned Lover - 婚姻合伙人

Description: 血璽金刀 – THIEF OF HONOUR
南宋末,俠士張真(羅樂林飾)盜璽離京,亡命之際誤傷了乘花轎出嫁之柳婉容(劉美娟飾),婉容垂危之際幸得樵夫天生(劉錫明飾)相救,但卻惹來閒言,婉容未婚夫楊憑虎(程思俊飾)因而悔約退婚。婉容父柳鶴亭(鮑方飾)為存顏面,著令婉容住道觀齋守一生。婉容傷心投河恰為天生所救,二人避居山野互生情愫。此時,天生亦救了傷重的張真,張真感天生誠實忠厚,乃將玉璽相託。後婉容為天生誕下一子,憑虎得悉此事,妒恨之下竟扮作山賊將天生打至重傷。婉容扶天生及初生兒子往求父,但鶴亭見死不救,最後天生傷重身亡,婉容亦因此殉夫自盡,死前將兒子交託婢女月仙(黃敏儀飾)撫養。 二十年後,婉容之子凌岸楓(鄭伊健飾)長大成人,與好友石松出鎮謀生,並先後認識了憑虎之女楊千千(梁小冰飾)以及用客棧掩飾身份的反元義軍江騰(林尚武飾)、敖非烟(陳慧儀飾)。江騰、非烟等混入鎮內主要是為刺殺蒙古王爺布木耳(王偉飾)。岸楓初時暗戀非烟,但非烟的美貌亦引來鶴亭的孫兒柳彥龍(張衛健飾)的追求。另一方面,岸楓在偶然機會下遇上外公鶴亭,並得鶴亭器重收為徒。此時玉璽流落民間的消息傳出,江騰等均落力追查……
Fung (Ekin Cheng)’s father, Sun, saved a man named Chun, who had stolen the Emperor’s seal, and he entrusted the seal to Sun. However, Sun was later beaten to death by a rascal, Fu, to whom Fung’s mother was formerly engaged. Fung’s mother killed herself shortly afterwards, leaving behind the little Fung with their maid, Sin (Wong Man Yee). Twenty years later, Fung finally grew up and went to earn a living with his friend, Chung. They met Fu’s daughter, Ching (Vivien Leung), and became friends. They also got acquainted with two revolutionists, Tan (Lam Sheung Mo) and Yin (Chan Wai Yee), who planned to assassinate the Emperor Yi (Wong Wai). Fung was attracted to Yin whose beauty also captivated Lung (Dicky Cheung). Meanwhile, rumours about the missing seal were spreaded and Fung was in danger. Would Fung find out the truth about his past and who would get hold of the seal in the end?



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