Paper Cut (Mandarin) – 春暖花又開

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March 11, 2019
The Legends of Chong Er (Mandarin) - 重耳傳奇
Nice To Meet You (Mandarin) - 只為遇見你

Description: 春暖花又开 / Chun Nuan Hua You Kai
A story that follows Tian Chuang Hua, the Ma family’s daughter-in-law who undergoes many hardships in her life, yet gathers up the strength to help her own village.

Tian Chuang Hua has always been a dutiful wife and daughter-in-law. She had hoped that her husband could return home to spend the new year with family, but was greeted with a set of divorce papers. Tian Chuang Hua and her own daughter have problems of their own and debtors are knocking on their door. At this time, her worst nightmare comes true. She learns that her father has passed away, but continued to be filial to her in-laws.

Tian Chuang Hua’s kindness does not go unnoticed as her parents-in-law accept her over their own son. Even with the trials and tribulations, she learns to overcome her problems one at a time and starts on a venture to developing tourism for the village. By chance, she discovers that her mother-in-law’s paper-cutting skills are a treasured art form.

大年三十,老北村馬家孝順兒媳田窗花,翹首期盼丈夫回家過年,等來的卻是一紙離婚協議書。丈夫鬧離婚、女兒不省心、村民賬務無法償還,而就在此時,噩耗傳來,自己的父親又突然離世。田窗花盡孝公婆,令二老動容,寧認兒媳不認兒。田窗花離婚了,並費盡周折,終於將 欠村民的錢解決了。此後,在黨和政府的關懷和幫助下,她將金湖山莊收歸村里,又帶領老北村村民開發鄉村旅遊,辦冰雪節等,把金湖山莊經營的有聲有色,而後,她又意外發現婆婆的剪紙是民間藝術瑰寶,創辦了民間剪紙藝術文化公司。再後,田窗花收留落難丈夫,她的愛情發生了逆轉,丈夫重新追求她,叛逆女兒也走上正途。她應約去北京參加中國非物質文化遺產傳承交流大會。

Genre: Romance, Family
Director: Wang Bing
Times: 50 Episodes
Release: 10 March 2019

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