To Be Or Not To Be – 來生不做香港人

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December 11, 2014
To Be Or Not To Be - 來生不做香港人 - Episode 01
Don't Look Back: The Legend of Orpheus (Cantonese) - 鯊魚

To Be Or Not To BeDescription: Through the reunion of 2 biological sisters who bring with them years of resentment and grievances, this series attempts to show the subtle changes in the relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland China over the past 30 years.

Blood is thicker than water — no matter how unwilling, this is a fact that cannot be changed.  Amidst the rise of a powerful nation (China), what role should Hong Kongers play?  In your next life, would you still want to be a Hong Konger?   Seeing all the problems in society currently, how much of it can be resolved with money?  With the ultimate goal of Hong Kong and Mainland co-existing in harmony, how much of their core intrinsic values will Hong Kongers be able to uphold?
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 12 December 2014
Cast: Maggie Cheung ( 張可頤), Prudence Liew (劉美君), Savio Tsang (曾偉權), Poon Chan Leung (潘燦良), Lam Lei (林利), Zac Koo (高皓正), Tse Yuet Mei (謝月美), Mimi Kung (龔慈恩), Wilson Tsui (艾威), Fung So Bor (馮素波), Ng Wai Shan (伍慧珊), Queena Chan (陳丹丹)

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